January meeting

Our next meeting will take place on Monday, January 9, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM in the meeting room at the Cold Smoke Coffeehouse just off 19th and Oak.

At our December meeting, I shared the annual exchange books I had recently received. We analyzed the structures of each, and admired the lettering and painting. Diana shared work she did in Amity Parks’ class, “Slow and Steady”. Diana plans to share this study of careful pointed brush lettering as a program at one of our spring meetings.

I recently took a one-day workshop with Peter Thornton that focused on creating playful letters out of a square and a line. I shared the work that I did in the class, as well as some of the variations we studied, and a book of Adolf Bern’s work that can be an inspiration when working/playing with these shape+stick letters. Because there were only three of us who attended this month, we deferred until next month the study of those letters that I had planned. I’m attaching the handout I had prepared; consider giving these letters a trial run before our January 9 meeting. We’ll get into them in detail then. Not much to bring for this: just pencil and drawing paper. If you want to add color to the letters, bring some colored pencils, or watercolors and a water brush — but it’s not really necessary.  I hope you’ll also bring any more work that you’ve done with samplers, especially after studying the handout from last time on design.


  • We will look at work we’ve done together, and provide feedback, answer questions, solve layout problems.
  • And we’ll study a square-and-box alphabet Peter Thornton developed
  • As always, please bring anything you’re working on or finished recently, including (but not limited to) scribbles, samplers, italic variations, etc.
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