May 2021 meeting

Our next meeting will take place on Monday, May 10 from 2:15 to 4:00 PM. At that meeting, we will explore very free Versals with Diana and Deb. Think about “doodling” when you work with this alphabet.  This is a fun alphabet because each time we do them, something different happens.  The basic structure is the same and the focus is the contrast of thick and thin. At right is an example of these Versals in use.

The letters resemble the form of the Roman style.  If you are not familiar with capitals, take a few moments before class to get familiar with plain Roman capital forms as they form the basis of the Versals.

Deb Widger from Las Cruces is helping with this meeting and will be showing examples of how to incorporate Versals into your work at the beginning of our meeting.
Print a copy of the handout so you’re ready to practice this alphabet.  

  • HB pencil
  • eraser
  • waterproof black pen (Micron or Staedtler)
  • white practice paper, couple of sheets
  • small pieces of watercolor paper (like mixed media paper, Arches Text Wove)
  • watercolors
  • small watercolor brush for detail painting
  • water
  • paper towl

You can print out these guidelines (PDF) from last month’s program, which will also work for these very free Versals. You can trace them onto your sheet using a window or lightbox. Or mark your own pencil guidelines and use a t-square. These guidelines are 17mm apart for the lettering and 4mm apart for the space between the lines.

I’ll send out a Zoom invitation a week before the meeting. If you’d like to attend and are not being included in the regular group emails, write to me ( and I’ll include you in the invitation.

Note the time change: for the next 2 months, we’ll be meeting at this new time, but still on the second Monday of each month. Here are the next two meeting dates:

  • Monday, May 10, 2:15-4:15 PM
  • Monday, June 14, 2:15-4:15 PM

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