Our next meeting will take place on Monday, July 11, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM in the meeting room at the Cold Smoke Coffeehouse just off 19th and Oak.
We had a very light turnout in June, but we shared what we had been working on, as usual, and I shared Diana’s sampler work-in-progress. We are continuing our work on samplers this month.
On July 11, we will get into the nuts and bolts of making a “scribble”. We’ll begin one during our meeting. For this you’ll need:
- at least one large sheet of paper, at least 11″ x 14″ but larger is better
- a set of quotations on your chosen topic, ordered from longest to shortest for ease of use
- pencil and eraser
- either
- small dip pen, travel watercolor set (or 3 tubes of watercolor or gouache, red/blue/yellow), and the necessary palette (if not travel set), water, loading brushes
- colored pencils or gel pens or fine markers, in 5 or more contrasting colors
I will also share my process for making a sampler, from test lettering for copy-fitting, to making photocopies and pasting up the text on a grid. Bring any samplers you’ve been working on!
If time allows, we’ll continue our study of the italic hand, changing up various aspects of the hand to get some variations. I’ll provide fresh guidelines. We’ll leave italic variations that are all 5 pen-widths high and venture further afield. In case we get to more italic variations, bring:
- 2mm dip pen
- ink
- practice paper
Diana and Gloria have been in contact with people who manage venues that host artist exhibitions. We can discuss progress on that at the July meeting.
Donna and I have been experimenting with modifying our Parallel Pens to get thinner hairlines. We can show what we’ve done. If you’re interested in trying it with your Parallel Pen(s), bring them along to the July meeting.
I hope to see you there! Bring your sampler projects. And don’t forget to bring any other interesting projects you’ve been working on. We want to see them! Here’s an image of two works in progress by Diana, for inspiration: