June guild meeting

Our next meeting will be held 2:00-4:00 PM on Monday, June 3, in the Cottonwood Room at the library. This will be the eleventh meeting in which we work on our long-term project exploring watercolors and monoline lettering. Diana will lead the meeting and you will be working on the layout I introduced at the meeting earlier this week. We’ll continue working with scripts and elements we’ve used before, combining them in a new way.

We will be working on a layout introduced at the May meeting. We’ll continue working with scripts and elements we’ve used before, combining them in a new way.

Here’s a sample of the layout:

Sample by Diana

Supplies to bring:

  • The Paper Ruler handout
  • A quotation that fits your theme
  • 6 x 9 watercolor paper
  • Watercolors
  • Water brush or regular brush
  • Water container
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Micron Pens, Black, in varying sizes .005-08
  • Backing board – Masonite, Plexiglas, or hard cardboard

Please bring all the samples you have completed to date for a showing of the ten designs you’ve completed for this project.  We have two additional designs the group decided to do in July and August.  We will put our portfolio of work together in September.

As always, please bring anything you’re working on or finished recently. We always want to see what creative thing you’ve been up to whether it’s fiber, collage, stitching, painting or lettering. Also, please bring your finished pages from our previous meetings. It’s always fun to see what everyone has done.

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