December 2021 meeting

Mark your calendars! Our next meeting will take place on Monday, December 13 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM via Zoom.

In November, we met on Zoom to begin studying gothicized italic. I shared an example that I based on Sheila Waters’ version of gothicized italic. I don’t hold it out to be an actual exemplar; rather, it is a freely written interpretation of the minuscule letters (with some letter variations) and a set of possible capitals to go with them. We discussed the origins of gothicized italic, who in the calligraphy world is considered a master of the hand, and why there are no set capitals to go with this minuscule hand. I demonstrated both the minuscules and the set of capitals on the handout.

Post-meeting, I sent out an email to attendees which included some links to Instagram posts that are helpful, and more.

We will continue this study at our December 13 meeting. If you want to attend in December but missed the November meeting, you can catch up! Just send me an email and I’ll send you the link to the recording of the November meeting, the sort-of-exemplar we used, and the links I collected as a resource.

I’ll send out a Zoom invitation a week before the meeting. If you’d like to attend and are not being included in the regular group emails, write to me ( and I’ll include you in the invitation.

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